👋🏻 Hola!

I'm Barbara Iuliano.

A one-of-a-kind Business & Confidence Coach who helps coaches from all over the world start, grow, and scale wildly profitable businesses through my unique framework of strategy, confidence, and intuition!

& I'm so friggitish happy that you've landed here đź“Ť.

Because if you're ready to scale your business to six-figures and beyond, this is your very own Space Station of resources, courses + business support to help you rocket launch your goals faster and more abundantly than meteor shower ✨.

Available Products

The coaches toolbox for getting clients online (with 1:1 support that doesn’t break the bank)...


Know exactly what YOU need to be doing to find clients who can’t wait to work with you, pay you, and brag about you on Facebook.

With all the support, and none of the high-cost. 

Get instant access to the “HOW to Get Your Next Client“ framework!

The one-of-a-kind experience to help you figure out your very own wand-waving way of getting clients that can’t wait to swipe their cards (faster than you can say Wingardium Leviosa).


Ready to get confident, get clients, and make money doing what youlove?

You + me.
6 money-filled-months together. 

This program is a business shooting star ✨.

After you finally experience the true magic of solid 1:1 business & confidence coaching, you'll never see your business the same. Through Money, Magic, & Mastery I support you at the highest level to guide you towards your most desired business dreams. 

Let's just say the consistent five-figure months are not only desirable but also achievable when you have the right co-pilot by your side. 

Ready to make more money than you ever have before? 

Start & Grow a Profitable Group

Ready to start your own group filled with ideal clients?
My group has generated me tens of thousands of dollars (if not more) and I want to teach you HOW you can start your own profitable group too! . 

 Groups ARE MONEY-MAKING MACHINES, so what’s stopping you from starting one? 

One of the main reasons why so many entrepreneurs have not started their own group is because they don’t know ‘how’. There are so many layers, so many steps, and so many decisions to make that it’s easier to just not start it at all.

But it truly is such a simple and fun process if you have the right support along the way.

If you join  Start a Profitable Group, not only can you get your hands on it for ONLY $37 but you’ll also have my guidance on:

  • Deciding on a name for your group to attract ready-to-buy members
  • The step by step process to get started without overwhelm
  • How to design and create graphics to brand your group and show up as a leader
  •  The content you need to create to set up your group for success (and sales)
  • And so much more!
My Products Available Products
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